Robert Evan Howard Welcome! |
ARTS AND SCIENCES LODGE ( ASL ) ( / ) ( 1-801-856-3200 ) AN ALL VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION All proceeds realized by the " ASLODGE " will go towards STEM CELL / GENE THERAPY- ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS - FREE EDUCATIONAL and ARTS projects. Establish and promote activities which will provide funding in perpetuity. | |
( 1-801-856-3200 / ) |
( THERE IS NO COST TO YOU, AND SETTLEMENTS VARY WITH EACH CASE... Plus, for legal reasons, there are " NO " guarantees about anything... All we can do is the best we can do. ) Please remember you must be able to prove your loss of health, wealth, position, property... AS OF 1-1-21 #1 TWO SUITS in progress concerning Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed 20 kids and 2 adults. If you feel you suffered emotionally or financially form a " FAKE NEWSER CONSPIRACY SICKO (S) " let us know before 2-1-21 #2 SEVEN SUITS in progress based on people being duped out of money, time and / or property after being convinst that god is real. If a " PERSON, RELIGIOUS ORHANIZATION, FAKE NEWSER, or CONSPIRACY SICKO (S) " has casused you to suffer emotionally or financially, let us know. There is apperently no time limit on these suits because people are continually being duped into believing gods are real screwed out of their time, money, and property. #3 MIND BOGGLING interest in going after Trump and his cronies. Please keep info as short as possible - for the moment. It will take a time to assimilate all the intel on Trump and his associates. #4 TWO SUITS in progress involving " SPACE ALIEN " scams. Have you or are you being duped to the point your health is suffering, you have lost money, or lost property? #5 16 SUITS and growing involving " VACCINES ". Have been duped into not getting a vaccine because someone badmouth it? Did you or a loved one suffer from the lack of a vaccination? We need to know who those people are and where they are... #6 Over 1100 plaintiffs involving [ QAnon ] - very complex... WHAT'S NEXT? DO YOU HAVE A CONCERN? ( 1-801-856-3200 / ) |